Carmelo Alongi

Carmelo Alongi is a student who has just started his training at University with the London Ambulance Service to become an EMT and eventually a Paramedic. Hopefully this blog will allow an interesting insight for everyone into the process of training tomorrow's Paramedics, and a chronicle of my life as I progress. I blog under this name as a tribute to my Italian Grandfather, Carmelo Alongi.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Somebody Must Be Smiling Down On Me.

Isn't it nice when you find the cause of all your problems is something tiny and easy to fix?
Just spent the entire morning ripping apart my car dash-board with my Dad to try and ascertain why the fans and de-mister aren't working. In the end we were happy to find a little, tiny connection that was burned out, nothing more. Its also nice to spend time with Dad, we actually work as quite a good team.

On another note site-meter appears to have died, so my 2,500 hits have gone down the drain. Although thinking about it I probably won't get another counter, it becomes a silly obsession trying to get as many hits as possible. Also I feel quite rude in a way, as site-meter is quite a clever little thing that can tell you all sorts about those who came to your site. Anyway, so more monitoring. Hoorah!

For some unknown reason sitemeter had returned, so I lied. Lots more snooping about then.


  • At 11:54 pm, Blogger Lola Cherry Cola said…

    Cars wow, I have respect for you since I'm a gal who doesn't even know how to change the oil, I'm a breakdown waitin to happen. Glad it wasn't anything too major anyhow

  • At 3:26 am, Blogger caramaena said…

    Heh, I think I'd go nuts in my sitemeter died on me. I'm a tad obsessive...

  • At 3:27 am, Blogger caramaena said…

    nuts *if* my sitemeter died - see not even thinking straight there ;)


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