Carmelo Alongi

Carmelo Alongi is a student who has just started his training at University with the London Ambulance Service to become an EMT and eventually a Paramedic. Hopefully this blog will allow an interesting insight for everyone into the process of training tomorrow's Paramedics, and a chronicle of my life as I progress. I blog under this name as a tribute to my Italian Grandfather, Carmelo Alongi.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hardly Blogworthy.

Title says it all. Life is, tranquil. I went back to my old school yesterday, it was nice to show off to the people I knew that I was living the dream. My Health and Social Care teacher hugged me, I didn't expect that from him.......

I ironed my uniform and placed it neatly in my cupboard. And that's about it.

Its nice being able to see the Missus every day, and the family too. Its just being stuck inside all day is driving me a little bit potty.



  • At 9:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I remember the day I got my uniform for work (Like wise I think I had a parade around the house!)

    Enjoy it!!

  • At 9:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your right - there are loads of us now!

    Thought I'd join in on the action!

    Is quite entertaining reading other bods views on the 'job'!

    You far into your training then?

  • At 8:48 am, Blogger Dianne said…

    I remember standing and reflecting early on in my career. It wasn't that i didn't think i'd get here, more that i had finally arrived in a place i had only viewed from a distance, like climbing a hill and taking a moment at the top.

    Interesting the different ways people respond when life is tranquil and when life is chaotic and stress-filled. Some bloggers are prolific writers when all is well, some are less and the same conversely.


  • At 1:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just another one saying hello!

    Thanks for popping by on my blog, hope you won't be a stranger.

    SD ;-)


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