Carmelo Alongi

Carmelo Alongi is a student who has just started his training at University with the London Ambulance Service to become an EMT and eventually a Paramedic. Hopefully this blog will allow an interesting insight for everyone into the process of training tomorrow's Paramedics, and a chronicle of my life as I progress. I blog under this name as a tribute to my Italian Grandfather, Carmelo Alongi.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Trotting in Tooting

Today I spent the day trotting around London with the Missus, trying to sort out my living hole. The accommodation lady at St. Georges provided some help, but buying the local copy of Loot seemed to help a lot more. I explored the local area too, I enjoy walking down a street and being one of the only white people there, I like diversity very much. The choice of cheap food around was fantastic too, being a vege round there is going to be very easy. Needless to say all of this was interspersed by Carmelo pricking his ears up at every hint of a siren near by, very pleased when I saw one of the newest LAS trucks coming into St George's A&E on blues.
I also found this on a wall of a car park in Carnaby Street, or near by:
Modern art I can appreciate?! What is the world coming to?


  • At 7:21 pm, Blogger LizzyFerret said…

    You'll soon get to be as sad as me and be able to tell weather its LAS, MET or LFB!

  • At 10:30 pm, Blogger Lola Cherry Cola said…

    Glad you're having fun. I'll have to agree with you on the modern art, although it is a bit funky from a randomness perspective.

  • At 11:59 am, Blogger Defibrilator said…

    Hey man. That thing you got on the side with singing and all that is really annoying. It eats up bandwidth like you wouldn't believe. I've been trying for ages to post a comment but ......

    Anyhow that is an awsome picture. It really spun me out. Thanks for sharing it


  • At 12:49 pm, Blogger Carmelo said…

    Sorry dude sorted now.


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