Carmelo Alongi

Carmelo Alongi is a student who has just started his training at University with the London Ambulance Service to become an EMT and eventually a Paramedic. Hopefully this blog will allow an interesting insight for everyone into the process of training tomorrow's Paramedics, and a chronicle of my life as I progress. I blog under this name as a tribute to my Italian Grandfather, Carmelo Alongi.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Having recently watched Cars...

...I was left feeling inspired.
Yes I know its hardly mature, and doesn't come close to talk about Armageddon in the nude that
Lola was dreaming about, but I like it.

On a more serious note, something interesting happened outside of work today. Well, on retrospect it was actually rather boring, but we must amuse ourselves. A middle age lady had fallen for some reason or another and was out cold on the road. Luckily two policemen were driving by and offered assistance, saving me going out and "first-aiding". Soon enough an RRV came to help, the Paramedic assessing her and making her comfortable. He didn't look particularly worried about her, so I didn't really pay too much attention. Then the two policemen took to standing around looking useless, poor guys. It stayed like this for a good half hour, people in my shop were making the usual "its disgusting that she hasn't got an ambulance" comments. When I stated that there was a fully qualified Paramedic and two policemen their for her they hushed a little, but didn't stop.
Now while I obviously felt for the patient, she wasn't an emergency. I'm guessing she was at best a Cat. B call, or the nearest ambulance was helping someone who was more in need. Its nice to see the triage system working so well, its just a shame to the public it looked like the lady was being treated badly.


  • At 1:18 am, Blogger Defibrilator said…

    If people didn't take the piss and stopped using the Ambulance as a taxi service maybe legitimate patients would get care sooner. Then again why am I complaining? Time wasters mean more employees which meant that I had a better chance of getting in ;-D

  • At 9:15 am, Blogger Lola Cherry Cola said…

    Must have been good to see it all in action. By the by, the Ambo is cute. And don't worry, not everyone can have the strange dreams that I manage to have quite often.


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