Carmelo Alongi

Carmelo Alongi is a student who has just started his training at University with the London Ambulance Service to become an EMT and eventually a Paramedic. Hopefully this blog will allow an interesting insight for everyone into the process of training tomorrow's Paramedics, and a chronicle of my life as I progress. I blog under this name as a tribute to my Italian Grandfather, Carmelo Alongi.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Working with Fast Food

At present, I work in a fast-food restaurant (it shall remain nameless for the sake of privacy), now while I don't really mind the work, lots of people seem to find it degrading. I think it has something to do with the snobbishness of this country that occasionally surfaces, something that annoys me quite a bit. The place I work at is generally quite quiet, the people are pleasant and during the day the CD player is mine.
Yeah sure I do get the occasional member of the public who complains, or is drunk, but being honest I think its just good experience for later in life.
When I do work, I tend to do the actual job with the lower half of my brain, leaving the top half to concentrate on laughing/joking with friends, and to interact with customers. Also working where I am means I don't have to take the tube and risk what happened to edelee today...


  • At 9:12 pm, Blogger LizzyFerret said…

    Got the pics up of the Tube Trauma LOL.

    It seems my atom feed thingy now works - I never changed nuffink, but just clicked it again and it seems ok. I still dont quite get what it does or how you can use it, but oh well! lol.


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